Renovacol PU 112 R

Thinner mixture

Technical card


PROPERTIES: Thinner mixture for the polyurethane primer Renoprimer PU-112.

APPLICATION: For use before adherence of parquets with URETAX – 2k on absorptive and non-absorptive grounds with increased residual moisture.

METHOD OF USE: Apply on dry surfaces free from contamination, traces of moisture. Apply evenly using a roller or brush. The first layer must be applied using thinner RENOVACOL PU-112 R, adding 20% to 40%. The second layer must be applied after 10 hours. Adherence of parquet can be commenced after 5-7 hours from priming. In order to improve adherence of the ground to the glue, the last wet layer of the ground must be covered with quartz sand (from 0.3 to 1 mm).

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