Cobble and concrete protector


PROPERTIES: Developed on the basis of modern technology, a solvent-based impregnator designed to protect cobblestone and concrete floors. Due to oleophobic and hydrophobic properties of this product, as well as its highly penetrating capabilities, it protects against damage caused by frost and microorganisms, oil and grease staining, dirt, lichens, efflorescence (white staining) and moisture penetration. The product deepens and intensifies natural colour. It prevents sand from washing out of crevices. Weather-resistant.

INSTRUCTIONS: The surface for impregnation must be dry, cleaned of moss, stains and any dirt. Depending on the type of dirt, it is best to use one of the cleaning agents made by Renove. Sweep the dry sand into all the spaces between cobble. Follow the directions carefully and try it in a less-visible place first. The contents should be thoroughly mixed. Apply the product evenly with a brush, roller or spray. We recommend to put on two layers on highly absorbent surfaces.

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